Here’s the story from JC via Epoch Times….”Afraid to “Admit” they have had the vaccine ” sheesh


The Epoch Times ran a story Saturday headlined, “Vision Impairments in Patients After COVID-19 Vaccination, Doctors Caution Possible Risks.”

Can you see the problems yet?

The article begins with the unfortunate tale of Representative Mike Belcher (R-N.H.) who took his first Pfizer shot in April 2021. His eyeballs have not been the same since. Belcher has had “ocular migraines” for almost two years now.

Within 12 hours after taking the shot, Belcher’s vision became “strange.” He started noticing that the red and green color balance in his eyes would shift, and dark spots would appear in his view. Soon Belcher would be tormented by painful headaches, starting with a blinding light causing searing pain at the back of his eyes. More serious symptoms followed, including impaired balance (being unable to walk in a straight line) and memory problems.

Fortunately, with daily medication, Belcher’s migraines seem to be happening less often.

Alabama neurologist Dr. Diane Counce and ophthalmologist Dr. Lynnell Lowry were interviewed for the story. Both doctors reported increased cases of their patients having weird eye problems following vaccination.

Epoch reported on a study published in November 2022, when the American Academy of Ophthalmology posted a meta-review of postvaccine ocular problems. Vaccine-induced eye complications fell into four broad categories: ocular inflammatory diseases, optic neuropathies, anterior segment conditions, and retinal conditions.

Dr. Lowry said that patients are becoming reluctant to admit they were vaccinated. “There’s a huge stigma,” Lowry said. Patients who got vaccinated and had adverse events are “almost afraid to blame it on the vaccine.”

Gee, I wonder why the patients feel a huge stigma. A stigma right in the eyeballs.