EGON VON GREYERZ is a name that has been around for as long as I have been a Goldbug …since the 1990s
Haven’t heard from him in a while…THIS is quite an amazingly researched and poignant article explaining Where we are in the timing of the Western Based Financial System Collapse and How the New Financial System will be Commodity based and lead by the BRICS+
So how much is a Quadrillion ?
A million billion
A thousand million millions.
We could also think of it as a thousand trillion
click to enlarge …conceptualizing a Quadrillion Dollars
One Thousand has 3 zeros = 1,000
A Million is a thousand Thousand has 6 zeros = 1,000,000
A Billion is a thousand Million has 9 zeros = 1,000,000,000
A Trillion is a thousand Billion has 12 zeros = 1,000,000,000,000
A Quadrillion is a thousand Trillion 15 zeros = 1,000,000,000,000,000
A Quintillion is a thousand Quadrillion 18 0s = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
At Some point in the near future we start talking about Quintillions of dollars –
Perhaps TPTB have come to the conclusion that ONLY a Nuclear Armageddon will be enough to hide their rape and pillage of the world financial system?
Found the following 3 lines on Twitter:
One million seconds ago was 11 days ago.
One billion seconds ago was 1992.
One trillion seconds ago was 31,000 B.C
So one quadrillion seconds ago was… 31,000,000 BC !
Replying to Kewl2 – As Garland Nixon explained in his talk, TPTB want to live forever as some sort of transhuman computer/human hybrid thingy. They don’t want nuclear Armageddon because they are afraid of dying. So, Armageddon ain’t gonna happen.