Earlier this week, I made it back to Oregon.  FGC has been posting here the emails I’ve sent him while traveling.  Since I’m now in the US, it will free up some of his time if I post them directly.  Below is the latest update, a part of which was posted yesterday.  The whole message will provide context.

Thanks to all of you who have commented on the stuff FGC has shared from my travels.  I appreciate the feedback.

Clear Cold & Calm Greetings!
At about midnight on Tuesday, I completed the last leg of travel around the world and arrived back in Bend.  This was exactly 6 months after starting off in June.  It was a really good trip.  It is also really good to be home!
Yesterday, I was awake very early, so I decided to go cross-country skiing.  The full day of skiing wore me out perfectly for a long night’s sleep, which finished getting me fully in synch with this time zone.
The first link below is to photos from skiing; the link beneath it is to another gallery from travels in Vietnam.  There are a few more of them yet to come.
-skiing:  https://balloonbill.smugmug.com/Other/First-Day-Of-Skiing/
(FGC’S NOTE For best viewing of these Photo Albums click on the arrow on the right then click on pause icon on left then click on the “i” information icon…then scroll through at your leisure with the right arrow)
Wishing for you always good nights of sleep and happy dreams!