From Jeff Childers

Another remarkably horrible study published in the journal Biomedicine last week, titled “Covid 19 Vaccines and the Misinterpretation of Perceived Side Effects Clarity on the Safety of Vaccines.” It had only one author: Raymond D. Palmer. Remember that name, it will be important shortly.

The study claims, and I am not making this up, that vaccine injuries are actually caused by stress-inducing misinformation about the jabs. I know you think I’m exaggerating, so here it is, word-for-word, from the study’s third sentence:

Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorise people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process.
How, you ask, could misinformation cause blood clots and strokes? Don’t worry, Mr. Palmer has the answer:

[M]ental stress clearly causes vasoconstriction and arterial constriction of the blood vessels. Therefore, if subjects are panicked, concerned, stressed or scared of the vaccination, their arteries will constrict and become smaller in and around the time of receiving the vaccine. This biological mechanism (the constriction of veins, arteries and vessels under mental stress) is the most likely cause for where there has been blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, loss of smell and taste that may have been experienced shortly after vaccine administration.
The extreme mental stress of the patient could most likely be attributed to the fear mongering and scare tactics used by various anti-vaccination groups… many apparent side effects seen shortly after a subject has received a vaccine could be the result of restricted or congested blood flow from blood vessel or arterial constriction caused by emotional distress or placebo based on fear around vaccines.

The whole “study” is pure speculation, a wild pro-vaxxer fantasy, with nothing behind it but a couple generalized studies showing that high stress and adrenaline levels contribute to cardiac disease. Palmer just assumed without evidence that vaccine “misinformation” stresses people out to the extent of causing cardiac injuries, then makes the even more fabulous leap to explain that vaccine injuries must be stress-induced.

With me so far? It gets SO much better. Now let’s look at who was the lone author of this “study” published in a peer-reviewed journal. Independent researcher and Substacker Rebekah Barnett did some great work ferreting him out. Here is Mr. Palmer’s own twitter bio

Oh! A PhD candidate. Even more hilarious was Palmer’s Linked-In profile, wherein he describes himself as an “mRNA Alchemist,” whatever that is. But he must really love his mRNA:

When Rebekah discovered that Mr. Palmer lived in Western Australia, where she also lives, she called him up, and he chatted with her for a while. She described the conversation on her Substack, and by her description of their discussion, Palmer is a nut job. At one point, he even called himself crazy: “I’m a mad scientist!,” he said.

The more important question is how did this “PhD candidate” and anti-aging entrepreneur get published in peer-reviewed science journals? Starting in 2019, Palmer’s first contributions appear in the literature, and he has even published a couple articles in journal along with otherwise reputable scientists. Somehow.

These are critical, but difficult, questions. We’ve been told that questioning The Science™ is a sin, a sin called ‘science denialism.’ But, who is gatekeeping The Science™ to make sure termites like Palmer don’t burrow in? I’d like a word with that person.