I am actually in favor of assisted suicide in a small number of cases BUT This ad is as sick as it fucking gets and the constantly increasing “conditions” that qualify is ridiculous. The Government has a new TOY and they love to play with it ………………..

From J C

As if covid weren’t already enough for Canadians to deal with, a fashion-brand called Simons is running a new commercial promoting assisted suicide, if you can believe that. The new ad features a now-deceased 37-year-old rambling about how beautiful her death was going to be.


A few days ago, Catholic mag The Pillar ran a story headlined “‘We Must Do Better’ – Canada’s Slippery Slope on Assisted Suicide.” The article claims that, according to government statistics on Canada’s MAID program (“medical assistance in dying”), ONE IN THIRTY deaths in Canada last year were people killed by doctors.

That seems like a lot.

The standards to qualify for MAID don’t seem to be super high. For example, here’s an uplifting story about a Canadian guy who was recently approved to be suicided for “back pain,” but he admits it was actually because he was broke and didn’t want to be homeless. After folks donated $60K, he fortunately changed his mind and didn’t go through with it.


Currently, Canada is considering adding ‘mental illness’ to the list of conditions qualifying Canadians for a visit from a death MAID.

The MAIDs will clean up your apartment, and then make sure it stays that way.

Now, I know everyone thinks there’s some kind of vast conspiracy to depopulate the non-elite world. But assisted suicide is health care. Don’t say it isn’t. That’s disinformation. How dare you