My name is Tamara Lich.

I’m a Canadian of Métis heritage, born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I’m a mother, and a grandmother, and I now live in Medicine Hat, Alberta.

And this Saturday, I’ll be speaking at Rebel News LIVE! in Toronto — I hope to see you there. (Click here for tickets!)

On February 17, I was placed under arrest in downtown Ottawa for peacefully protesting Justin Trudeau’s vaccine mandate.

I was denied bail, held for 17 nights in an Ottawa jail cell, and released on March 7 on the conditions that I refrain from using social media, that I do not have contact with other protest organizers, and that I am not allowed to speak critically of government COVID-19 mandates or in support of the Freedom Convoy. I’m also restricted from being involved in organizing, participating in, or promoting any protests.

On June 27, I was re-arrested by the RCMP for allegedly breaching my bail conditions, and I was held in jail for another 30 days until I was released on July 26.

In total, I’ve spent 49 days in jail. I’ve been persecuted for months by our federal government. And I’ve been branded by the mainstream media as an extremist.

However, if you follow Rebel News, you know that I’m a peaceful, freedom-loving Canadian, who just wants the country I know and love back.

I’ve been trying to keep a low profile for the last few months.

But now, it’s finally time for me to break my silence, and I’ve decided that there is no better place to do that than at Rebel News LIVE! Toronto this Saturday, November 19.

Click here to find out more about Rebel News LIVE! and to get your ticket….

Rebel News LIVE! Toronto

I’m so grateful for the incredible support I’ve received from Ezra Levant and the whole team at Rebel News, for standing up for freedom, and for telling my side of the story.

They created a petition in support of my freedom at that garnered over 50,000 signatures, and they’ve crowdfunded millions of dollars to help fund the legal defence of freedom protestors like me.

Ever since the convoy departed Alberta for Ottawa, to this day, I’ve felt protected, and guided – I have faith that this will all work out one way or another.

My message has always been one of peace, love, and helping the less fortunate.

I do think we’re in trouble as a country, but I don’t think we’re past the point of no return.

But the only way we will get our country back is if like-minded, freedom-loving Canadians like yourself get involved in every level of politics, speak up and take action.

Well, there’s no better place than Rebel News LIVE! Toronto to get more involved and join the coast-to-coast effort to stand up for our rights and freedoms.

Please, get your ticket now.

I’ll be there on Saturday, November 19 and believe me when I tell you: I’ll have a lot to say.

I hope to see you there.

Sincerely and with gratitude,

Tamara Lich

P.S. Rebel News LIVE! Toronto is a full-day conference on Saturday, November 19. There’ll be a breakfast and a lunch, and a dozen or so speakers, including me, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Dr. Julie Ponesse, Maxime Bernier, Ezra Levant, Andrew Lawton, and other independent journalists, doctors, and freedom experts. Click here to get your ticket before they run out!


We need to keep supporting these initiatives any which way we can…never stop promoting Freedom

These Folks are all working on our behalf…look at them …heros all…Tamar and Arthur Lost their Freedom but they keep ON Julie lost her Job but she Keeps on…Rebel News Reporters are under the gun and under attack but they keep on …Thank you ALL !!