BRICS currently consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, but they are looking to expand their power at a time when the U.S. Empire is faltering, Europe is undergoing a massive recession, and the world is in deep turmoil. BRICS is emerging as a more stable solution for countries that do not want to accept decline and ruination as the norm.

Additionally, BRICS is floating the idea of returning to a gold standard as they hope to stabilize world currencies that are being ravaged by inflation after central bank malfeasance.

BRICS is looking more hospitable for countries with each passing day. The US empire is deranged, decadent, murderous and hell bent on self-immolation. BRICS is a life raft off of the Titanic for governments that do not want to choose national suicide.

Tell us again who is WINNING the war ?

Kershon Schmershon…Is a BIG Club and US ain’t in it

How long before the EU Crumbles and Nations rush to join the Brics ?