“In the first bit of terrific news, yesterday newly-elected Canadian Premier Danielle Smith, who recently apologized to unvaccinated people, courageously announced that the province of Alberta will “disconnect” from the World Economic Forum. She explained, “Until that organization stops bragging about how much control they have over political leaders, I have no interest in being involved with them.”

Canada ?? Alberta Premier, Danielle Smith on the WEF: “Until that organisation stops bragging about how much control they have over political leaders, I have no interest in being involved with them.”

Smith is also concerned about the WEF meddling in local health agencies, and said, “I must tell you, I believe that Alberta Health Services is the source of a lot of the problems that we’ve had. They signed some kind of partnership with the World Economic Forum right in the middle of the pandemic. We’ve got to address that. Why in the world would we have anything to do with the World Economic forum? That’s got to end.”

ALBERTA – Danielle Smith says that she is pulling Alberta out of dealings with the WEF & the health department’s signed ‘partnership’ with them during the pandemic. Waking up to authoritarianism. Bravo ??

Smith may be the first significant political leader pushing back against the WEF and using it as a political foil. In other words, she’s running on an anti-WEF platform, which is a ripe political issue. There’re a LOT of folks who at this point are passionately anti-WEF. Thanks, Klaus!

I want you to remember this story till Friday, when I publish my roadmap to Nuremberg II. They’re connected.”