This is an INTENSE read! Another conspiracy theory becomes fact………….

  • The primary mRNA functions of Qdot® are to perform gene-editing directly inside human cells that are INSIDE THE HUMAN BODY.
  • Bill Gates’, ThermoFisher Scientific and global billionaires wanted to keep this patent a trade secret and block public access.
  • Qdot® emits ultraviolet and infrared radiation, causing cell death, cancer, and even microwave radiation inside the body
  • After cells inside the human body are targeted by FISH and Qdot®, Qdot® utilizes CRISPR to perform actual gain-of-function mRNA gene editing of cells and viruses inside our bodies.
  • mRNA Qdot® delivers mRNA directly into a cell’s nucleus to integrate foreign DNA (new genetic sequences) into a cell’s genome.
  • Qdot® enables SERS metallic nanoprobes to utilize CRISPR technology in order; to sequence the DNA from the nucleus of a cell; delete targeted gene sequences; and then replace the deleted sequences with new genetic sequences in order to transform global citizens and our children into the new hybrid human species.
  • Qdot® enables the physical (adsorption) and genetic integration of metals into human cells. Cells infected with COVID-19 mRNA lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are no longer human cells. Human cells inside our bodies will go through a process of apoptosis (cell death) and the Qdot® powered Ai nanogel will take over the cell functions and structures.
  • Trillions of Qdot® were injected into each American adult or child that received a COVID-19 ‘vaccine’.