Meet beautiful Canadian actress Jennifer Gibson:

Yesterday, Ms. Gibson, 45, posted a courageous but heartbreaking selfie video to her TikTok feed.

Like Justin Bieber, the actress now has partial facial paralysis from Bell’s Palsy, which according to Gibson started two weeks after she got her shot, which she says gave her a “rough go.”

Unfortunately people have focused on the latter part of her TikTok, wherein she shockingly claims that even if she’d known, she’d still have taken the vaccine because “this is what we have to do … to see people.” The Hot Takes see Gibson as a mindless drone, so jab happy that she doesn’t care if she loses her health and career over the chance to slurp up some more spike protein.

I can understand; people are shell-shocked and they aren’t looking closely. But Gibson ISN’T a mindless drone. She’s actually very clever. Her unimaginable statement that she’d take the shot again slipped her video past the censors, who just love that pioneering, stiff-upper-lip kind of spirit. But Jennifer won anyway. She beat them, she beat the censors. Badly.

The giveaway is in her brief explanation. You have to look at what she DIDN’T say. She did NOT follow the script. The script is, “I’m grateful for my shot’s protection, because I’m convinced it would have been worse.” Instead she said she would agree to take the shot and lose her career anyway because in Canada “this is what we have to do … to see people.”

THIS. “This” is what we have to do. To escape isolation. To escape solitary confinement.

“This” wasn’t referring to the shot. “This” referred to the blackmail. “This” referred to the coercion. “This” referred to having to make the Sophie’s Choice of destroying her health and career or getting out of government-imposed prison. In other words, “this” is what she was FORCED to do. Watch it again. You’ll see it.

For any sane person with a professional career in the media industry, where an attractive appearance is critical to their success — especially for women — going public with a video like this is incredibly brave. I am 100% convinced Gibson’s TikTok was a radical sneak attack on the vaccines; a cunning way to smuggle the truth out right under the noses of the prison guards.

I admire her greatly and pray she’ll have a full recovery.