Three  committed Branch members reached out to me the past few days.  Nothing about the jab was mentioned.  Hmmm………it was my birthday but they were once of the belief that the Vaccine Free were evil and needed to be dealt with.

If they reach out again, I will politely ask them to watch the latest Highwire with Dr Aseem Malholtra before they contact me again.

If this is the beginning of the Great Reveal, will we see the cleansing of all Public Health, CDC, FDA, Gates funded organizations, big Pharma, WEF politicians and all the jab happy Docs who cheerfully went along with this insanity?   For if it is accepted as truth by the great masses, there needs to be accountability or they will do it again.

From my experience, the Centre went quiet which covered their underlying anger.  They just don’t want to be reminded of anything Covid.  Now are the Branch members starting to wake up????

I have switched from Covid to Round 2.  I talk about the WEF enforced decarbonization and the future reality of the Digital ID, CBDC enabled social credit system where we have an alloted number of carbon consumption which will be forcefully imposed upon us.  Except for the elites.  That does get the conversation going.