The Justice Centre has filed a court action to defend privacy and mobility rights, and oppose the mandatory use of ArriveCAN and draconian quarantine requirements for law-abiding Canadians.

ArriveCAN has left a wake of disruption, financial damage, and discomfort for far too many Canadians. It infringes on Charter mobility rights by fining dissenters for entering their own country. It infringes on Charter-protected privacy rights with its demands for private medical information and tracking features. Adding insult to injury, ArriveCAN has at times failed to work correctly!

Consider the hardship suffered by Victor Andronache, a Justice Centre client from the Greater Toronto Area. This past summer he left Canada abruptly, in mourning, to attend his grandfather’s funeral in Romania. When returning to Pearson International Airport, after nearly 24 hours of travel to that point, the police were called by airport officials because he refused to give personal and confidential medical information to total strangers. Tragically, in two attempts during this ordeal, Mr. Andronache was unable to get ArriveCAN to function properly. He was then fined $6,255.

Is this any way to see our fellow Canadians treated – in a period of mourning no less?!

The Justice Centre relies entirely on voluntary support from freedom-loving Canadians like you! We have four lawyers working diligently for Mr. Andronache and for ten other Canadians joined in this court action, to secure their Charter rights and freedoms. All Canadians will benefit when ArriveCAN is no longer mandatory.

Even if the federal government drops this anti-freedom policy before a court hears our case, the Justice Centre will continue with the court action in order to obtain a declaration that this policy violates our Charter rights and freedoms without a medical or scientific basis.

Can I count on you to donate today, towards defending the free society? We will issue an official tax receipt for every gift made, whether online here, or etransfer sent to, or cheque mailed to the address here below.

Thanks for your generosity, and for taking direct action to defend freedom in Canada today.

Yours truly,

John Carpay
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
#253, 7620 Elbow Drive SW
Calgary, AB • T2V 1K2