Conservative Party of Canada members have chosen Ontario MP Pierre Poilievre to be their new leader.

In the end, it wasn’t much of a contest. Poilievre easily clinched victory with an impressive 68.15 per cent of the available points on the first ballot — a decisive result that puts the right-wing and populist politician in a strong position to lead the party into the next general election.

In his speech to a cheering crowd Saturday, Poilievre made it clear which issue he’ll put front and centre: the economy.

“Today, people feel like they have lost control of their pocketbooks and lives. Tonight begins the journey to replace an old government that costs you more and delivers you less — with a new government that puts you first,” Poilievre said.

“Your paycheque. Your retirement. Your home. And your country. By tackling Liberal inflation, we’ll put you back in control of your money and your life.”

His campaign platform was relatively thin but his primary rallying cry was a promise to make Canada the “freest country on earth.”

He has vowed to fire government “gatekeepers” — a catch-all term for bureaucrats he blames for making daily life more difficult. He also has promised to “defund” the CBC and end government subsidies for some news outlets.

The above are snippets from a CBC article posted below. – SF