I know most of the regulars by their dogs.
Today,  one guy noticed I was back after a month away.
Asked where I went.  I told him and added I miss going to WA and OR camping.   He asked why. I just told him I wasn’t allowed to cross the border.  A big smile came to his face and gave me a fist bump and said neither was his family.  Huh, I’ve known him for the past year on and off but he never mentioned his status.  No one asks. I’ve told some people previously but they don’t say anything one way or the other.

He was so excited and called his wife over. They told me their path to figuring out the scam.  I won’t get into it but wow, what an awake couple.  His stay at home British wife could rival the best on this forum for knowledge.  He was more pessimistic.  She’s a bright light.  His family left Lithuania before the Holocaust but all those who stayed perished.   He sees the parallel with The Turd.  Wanted to know when the Yellow Star equivalent comes  out.  Yikes!  He calls us all The Tribe.
He said The Turd is pitting one group against another.
we exchanged contact info.  She is more knowledgeable than most of us.  Made my day when she told me that many of her millennial friends will never take another shot.  Adverse effects and the uselessness of the three shots they took.  She said The Turd’s performance the other day had the opposite effect on most of her friends.
Good.  She didn’t lose friends as she got a rare early exemption.  I didn’t ask.

There is indeed hope.