Many on the forum must have the same experiences that I have.   I need to vent every once in awhile.

Arrived in Vancouver after a month away.  Covid measures did not exist where I’ve been.   A real relief.
My cousin warned me to be brace myself for what I was about to see.  More mask wearing than a month ago!

Had my annual eye exam appt today.  Masks were still a “thing” at the office. I wanted to be seen, so WTF.
Somehow Covid came up in the waiting area.  (20 people waiting.  A big clinic).  Gee, how’d that topic come up????   🙂

An elderly Snowbird gentleman told me about his recent Winter spent in Palm Desert at his RV park.   It was all about how he and his friends had a low grade cold most of the Winter. Not pleasant.
He was clueless about why.  Quad shotted.
A rather loud gentleman heard the conversation and told us he will never take another shot of that “stuff” after his wife came down with an ongoing neurological adverse effect right after her last shot.  He tells all his friends about it and has some visit his previously healthy wife to see for themselves. He said most are now done with the shots.   Sorry Turd you ain’t gonna get many takers this Fall.  40-50% at best and a true IQ test  at that.

It horrified the elderly Snowbird.  I couldn’t help it and said that I would never take the poison. I believe most people heard our conversation.   Shortly thereafter, the Igor Chudov Substack about the UK Covid shots for under 12 was  dropped into my inbox.  Of course I had to show the headline to both the Snowbird and the loud disgruntled gentleman.  You can only imagine their reactions when I said it’s just beginning and the tort lawyers will have a field day. I got called in at that moment.   I would have loved to hear the loud guy pontificate on that.  🙂   He likely crucified the shots.