Watch this.
– Russia would take Alaska and Canada.
– China would take USA.

Taiwan invasion is a way to bring USA in to the war and target the USA. They’re going for it. They want the USA to intervene.

Together China and Russia will use nukes, use supersonic missles, will use their combined might, and will attempt to take down the “great Satan and her northern maple leaf accomplice”.

The question is if Biden is told to stand down and allow the takeover or will fight back? I’m betting China Joe will probably allow the takeover like he’s told, but he has to make it look good…

China probably wants their population lowered a little as well. Maybe taking out 1-2 billion all over is their plan?

Nuclear winter is a myth…. Won’t happen. Can’t happen. The Chinese and Russians know this.

Will you be happy with Russians or Chinese going down a street near you?

Will you root for your liberators? That’s what they want you to do. They want you, that have the guns, to root for your liberators and STAND DOWN as they use psyops to have you root for your own countries defeat. Hooray, they beat the deepstate! UH BUT UH killed your constitution! Yay! (Facepalm)

If you know ANYTHING ABOUT THE ILLUMINATI it’s that they control BOTH SIDES. This is Illuminati 101. How did they lower the population in Europe? Fake wars. One of their groups vs another forever. Now we’ll see it again on a global scale including the big guns. Boom ?.

Careful with psyops. They’re everywhere. Many of you are buying these psyops hook, line, and sinker and should know better.

We don’t have anyone rooting for the enemies of their countries here do we? (Facepalm). People need to reevaluate what they’re rooting for around here and question if they’re being deceived….