Brave Reader:

Imagine Klaus Schwab, Stephen King and Tom Sawyer got together to write a novel about The Great Reset. It would probably read something like…

“The military has… extremely robust and fast drones that… are the size of a raven or bird. These are equipped with a variety of weapons, whether it be sound weapons, gas or chemical, or laser. They also deliver vaccines.

“Now imagine a swarm of these… descending upon your homestead. A gun will offer zero protection. The drones can perform dynamic maneuvers. They can block off a home, they can drill holes in a home, they can disperse gasses into a home, they can fire lasers or small projectiles. There’s no need for a group of military guys with AR-15s…”

That’s just a sample of the fear-mongering being propagated in a series of interviews by a man named “Gideon.” He claims to have access to the new digital ID and banking system soon to be forced upon the world (once currencies collapse and everybody is starving to death).

In order to be part of this New World Order banking system (which will automatically deposit $1000 of New World Dollars into your slave account each month) you have to:

1) Get all your boosters.
2) Eat a bug-based diet.
3) Don’t complain (and be happy about it).

If you refuse then they’ll send AI drones to shoot you up with the latest mRNA concoction and force feed you McCricket burgers.

The only way to stop this nightmarish future, claims Gideon, is to have his hackers switch your digital ID status from “commoner” to “sovereign” (just like the elites, which apparently includes Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan). Then you can skip the vaccines, eat steak and even sabotage the Great Reset from the inside.

I immediately smelt a money-making scam and decided to contact Gideon’s right hand man, “Bill.” But Bill assured me that there was no fee (or even a “donation”) accepted.

Highly skeptical, I decided to dig deeper. I was sent on a bread crumb trail across three websites and three email addresses, until I came to what I had suspected was the truth:

In order to set up your “sovereign” account you need to send Bill a minimum of $1,400 USD. But, no, he’s not going to keep it. Instead his hackers will convert it into the new USDR currency and deposit it into Klaus Swab’s digital banking system. Sounds fishy? Don’t worry! They’ll send you a screenshot as “proof” that you’re wealth is waiting for you after The Great Reset.

In other words, this is a cleverly orchestrated Great Reset Scam preying on the justifiable fears of those awake to what the World Economic Forum and other shadowy groups are trying to force upon the world.

Scams upon scams. Sleep with one eye open. But don’t worry, probably no AI drones will be drilling holes through your front door in the middle of the night. And if they are, paying Bill and Gideon $1,400 isn’t likely to stop ’em.

—John C. A. Manley