From J C

Israeli National News ran a story this weekend headlined, “New Study: COVID Booster Significantly Delays End of Infection.” Uh-oh! This won’t be good for business.

A new study in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded that boosted people recover significantly slower and are contagious for much longer than unvaccinated people.

Now you tell us.

At five days post-infection, fewer than 25% of the unjabbed were still contagious, whereas around 70% of boosted people still carried viable virus particles. Among partially vaccinated, half were still contagious at +5 days. Worse, at +10 days, 31% of boosted people still carried live, culturable virus. But only 6% of the unvaccinated remained contagious at day 10.

In other words, boosted people are five times more likely still to be contagious at +10 days post-infection than unvaccinated people. So the booster shots actually INCREASE infections. They speed up the spread.

It’s working great!