Not only are boosters ineffective, but the excess mortality currently running in New Zealand points to a serious health deficit among the vaccinated, and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is fully aware of this.

Leading New Zealand epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker, in an interview with the NZ Herald, says that we are “losing the arms race with the virus”. Covid cases have increased by 50% within the last 9 days in an “abrupt rise”. Baker said “It’s a dynamic, a battle between us and the virus and there are factors mainly favouring the virus”. The article reported hospitals were overwhelmed.

NZ data shows that Covid cases and hospitalisations are decreasing among the unvaccinated, but increasing among the vaccinated, but incredibly, Baker called for new mRNA vaccines to be rolled out urgently. Notably, Baker used terminology usually associated with wartime.

In contrast, Professor John Gibson, economist at Waikato University, has published a paper showing that not only are boosters ineffective, but the excess mortality currently running in New Zealand points to a serious health deficit among the vaccinated. Similar rises have been measured around the world, often affecting the young and working age. So why is this kind of analysis not turning heads?