Totally Unconstitutional & Unacceptable
Any and all powers of the Presidency, whether granted in the Constitution or legislated by Congress, need to be made public, debated and agreed upon by all three branches of government. The American people can not allow this and any future President to just issue executive orders granting him(her) powers that they assume or wish they had. If it is kept secret it should be declared Unconstitutional and invalid by the Supreme Court. The only reason for keeping any power or authority secret from the public is because it wouldn’t stand up under the scutiny of the light of day. There is nothing conceivable that a President should be allowed to decide or carryout that hasn’t been authorized by the Constitution and or authorized by the Congress and upheld as valid by the Supreme Court.
Yeah, this one got my attention as well.
Sent it to someone I know well involved in continuity of govt, and knows Section 706 too.
” Also miss¬ing from the records is any evid¬ence that the Bush admin¬is¬tra¬tion commu¬nic¬ated — much less collaborated — with Congress during its review. We have previ¬ously noted that pres-id¬ents have kept PEADs secret, not only from the Amer¬ican public but from lawmakers as well. This lack of disclos¬ure effect¬ively blocks a coequal branch of govern¬ment from over¬see¬ing emer-gency proto¬cols.
With Congress unable to serve its consti¬tu¬tional role as a check on the exec¬ut¬ive branch, there remains the possibility that modern PEADs, like their histor¬ical prede¬cessors, sacri¬fice Amer¬ic-ans’ consti¬tu¬tional rights and the rule of law in the name of emer¬gency plan¬ning.” (formatting is from the copy)