Looks like THIS Davos Meeting is getting some extra special attention from the plebs ( that’s us)

The Globalists: Here is the full roster of Davos 2022 attendees
The World Economic Forum is the ideas and narratives shop for the ruling class, and Davos is where it all goes down.

Jordan Schachtel
16 min ago

The infamous World Economic Forum (WEF) will host its annual meeting in Davos next week, and we are going to make sure you know who is attending the invite-only gathering.


PS…The Evil Cretinic Vermin from Hell Cannot stand the light and heat…they will shrivel up IMHO

PPS…only One Canadian was invited and it wasn’t the Turd

Great name for a Globalist you have to admit

François-Philippe Champagne
Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada

Zero from Russia

Zero from Turkey

Only One From China ( Not Xi )

ELEVEN from Ukraine

Twelve from UAR

