In my post on Friday, where I referred to my day earlier post outlining the likely stock market action for the next few days, this was my exact quote. “The targets layed out yesterday about how to play the FED release have been reached early today. Probably Monday, the decline resumes.” The massive rotation out of stocks, particularly the Nasdaq 100 and into gold and silver has begun and should accelerate this week. It is very positive that it is continuing today, on a day when the options on futures for gold and silver expire. Usually, you have to wait until these options expire, because most months they take gold and silver down on those expiration days. I thought we would have to wait until Sept. ended before getting any big moves, since gold and silver are both down a significant amount for the month, so far. I would not be surprised if after an up day today for the precious, we get our usual Tuesday pullback before renewed strength the rest of the week with possible breaakouts on Friday October 1st. Stocks on the other hand should be down today, with the typical counter trend Tuesday leading to a bounce, and the rest of the week showing weakness. Remember, this is a process, not an event. You don’t turn an aircraft carrier around, on a dime. The Nasdaq 100 (FAANGS) has been in an ever expanding bubble for 12 years. It has popped, but the air first comes out slowly, then all at once. The same for money going into gold and silver. Slowly at first and then all of a sudden, when the “crowd” realizes what is happening.