I received the last to articles posted from a guy I don’t know.

Here is his resume…very interesting :

Where attention goes energy flows and what you nourish with your energy grows. » – Robert Sun

In today’s society, everything is done to attract attention, create emotional shocks and distract people. There are many manipulations of your attention (life-energy): stress at work, events, consumerism, conflicts, scandals, Hollywood, electronic gadgets, television, sports events and so on. It’s the tumult of distractions. It sucks up your life-energy away, because the energy follows your attention.

When human upheavals occur on the planet as they do now. It becomes important to become aware of one’s contribution to it, so as not to feed the damaging situation with your energy. It’s acting responsibly and conscientiously.

The media like to scare you and bombard you to try to programming and manipulate your energy (consciousness), to feed xyz situation. If you repeat the media scare-mongering and put your attention (energy), you contribute to it energetically speaking and you feed it and make it grow. We are all quantically connected and part of the collective consciousness. The sum of our vibrations can lower or raise the collective vibratory rate. What can aggravate the situation see even create egregores. It then becomes important to remain centered in one’s heart. Let us act consciously with more equanimity to avoid the extremes of polarities. Let’s be sovereign and responsible and stop feeding these kind of things.

In awareness (knowledge) of the facts, you can choose not to let yourself be manipulated by all these harmful influences. You can also eliminate what you are exposed to on a daily basis and adopt healthy habits to better manage your energy and heart vibration levels. Try this simple experience : for a week, stop reading or listening to the news, judging, criticizing and complaining. You’ll see, you’ll feel much better. For greater awareness, turn off television, cell phones and the Internet for a week. At first, it could create a void, but it is a great opportunity to reconnect with your Divine Self, take a step back and rediscover more harmonious choices for you.

Robert Sun

eBook (ePub, Kindle, PDF):
