Gold to silver is a reliable indicator of credit in market. Credit contract when ratio rises and expands when the ratio declines.
333 years of GSR research.

This research paper out lines why GSR has remain high since it bottom in 2011.

Many banks research departments like CITI and others watch movement of GSR.

Two current charts:
Gold to CRB indicating deflation
Gold to Silver weekly

The Gold-Silver Ratio is Indicative of Global Deflation

” For at least 150 years the ratio has served as an indicator of the global monetary condition. During periods of
inflationary monetary proliferation, the ratio falls. During eras of deflationary monetary destruction, the ratio rises. ”

“Two points summarize the overall story. Firstly, the gold-silver ratio has been an indicator of global monetary conditions for well over 150 years. It remains so to this day. Secondly, monetary conditions when viewed from the perspective of capital markets, commodities, and economic indicators are in concert that either deflation or disinflation lies ahead. ”