I have been Googling Bitcoin Crash….

Seasoned Pros ( some with upwards of 12 months experience) are trying to sooth and settle the herd. ( before they stampede 🙂 )


Bitcoin has “crashed” 30% SIX TIMES in 2017. Each “crash” has been followed by an increase of: 76%, 237%, 183%, 165%, 152%. Bitcoin takes 7 steps forward, 2 steps back, 7 steps forward, 2 steps back. Every 2 steps back is heralded as the end of #bitcoin. Relax!
For those new to crypto having bought your first BTC/ETH/LTC in the past 1-2 months. Congratulations, you’ve been baptized. Welcome.
Piece of advice during these HEALTHY #crypto corrections, stay calm. Don’t over trade. Weak hands gives profit to strong hands. #BTFD Zoom out.

Others – including rapper Waka Flocka Flame – pointed out that panic-selling is often based on limited understanding of what Bitcoin promises.

“Only the Real Know” Holdstrong

Here’s a good one 🙂


Coinbase , by far the largest bit dealer , had its trading platform cease friday up due to volume….wild wild west ( like the Canadian Venture Exchange on Steroids.)


Security Issues in Korea ( South Korea)




How to Steal Bitcoin



Bitcoin is a Threat to the EU



Bitcoin Issues. Pot Coins…..Here is a Bitcoin Guru …he is raking it in …looks a lot like Shaq O’neil ?

This was posted way back at the $1900 + Top….last week






