My greatest failures have always been in selling. I’m reasonably good at buying or at least, if I’m not sure, buying with my toe only.

Selling is my  weakness. I usually fail when I marry a stock, but lately, just as it’s time to say I do, I have been a little more successful by forcing myself to flee from the church.

Novo: I almost ran from the church a month or so ago but I didn’t. I married what I thought was a wonderful bride.

I do believe, in this case, however,   that what happened Thursday and Friday last could just as quickly do the exact opposite and reverse upward with a vengeance. I think many are nursing their wounds and, blaming no one but myself, I honestly feel that this company, if it is anywhere close to being half of what many experts think it is, will not stay at this drastically marked down price for long. The cycles are right, the time of year is right and sentiment is currently negative. All that is required is a little good news IMVVVHO.