Today our bud Parabolic Chuck had a rare cameo Appearance . Chuck has been a Rambus Member from near the beginning

He was the lead poster at the Chartology forum for a long while. We had trading conteset weekly , monthly and yearly , and this guy won the t shirt an outsized number of times trading Kamikaze Stocks. He often made like 500% in a month.

He was a raw green rookie when he started but he embraced Chartology and his work became our envy.

He made a fortune trading Kamikazis during the heart of the bear market, then by his own admission he got stubborn and last year when the worm turned he refused to believe the charts and blew a bundle.

Learning curve finally caught up with Chuck. He Freely admitted this in a legendary post here on the sidebar) ” The Mother of All Bull Traps. https://goldtadise.com/?p=371529 A scenario which is still in play !

My point is Team Rambus has a soft spot for Chuck. So when he posed a Political and Religious Post today here all in one provocative post, Two topics we are anathema to here at the tent , I had to give him a pass.

We are all about Charts here and making money in this Miner Market , but on weekends we can sometimes add some outside news and views occasionally.

I have received the message from some members and readers that they prefer to keep Politics and religion taboo because as we all know…nothing good ever comes from open discussion of these two very personal beliefs.

Now I have read some very interesting perspectives here , all well articulated and respectful (so far)

But my reading from the input is that most come here for honest PM Analysis and to consider both sides of the market AWAY from the chaos of the “real world” . Its all noise and opinion and innuendo !

We all know where to find Zero Hedge if we want to read it….but seriously has any one of you ever made money investing on any thing they have ever posted ?

For sure we need to keep trading days free of this kind of discussion here but what I am asking is , how do you feel about these kinds of discussions on weekends ?

My feeling on this will be in the comments section. What is Yours ?