This guy is a smooth orator. Lovely to listen to.

It fascinating to see him all over the net and MSM since Trump WON

He is seen to have a history as Putin’s Mentor and spiritual advisor of sorts .

He is a prominent influential Russian Philosopher

Hence the Ukrainian Terrorists tried to kill him and instead killed his Daughter

I suspect he has been unleashed and or encouraged by Putin to promote the real new World Order .

He speaks of the New World Order being the End of The Globalist and Neoliberal World Order AND the Rebirth of ” Civilization States ”

He speaks of Multi Polarity lead by Putin Trump Modi and Xi and perhaps others .

He speaks of Healthy Co-operation but also Healthy Competitiveness

You have to love what he sees …It’s very much akin to what Dr Steve Turley has been seeing for a long time now .

Stay tuned to Alexander Dugin



The Fourth Political Theory

is a book by the Russian philosopher and political analyst Aleksandr Dugin, first published in 2009. In the book, Dugin states that he is claiming the foundations for an entirely new political ideology, the fourth political theory, which integrates and supersedes Liberal Democracy, Marxism, and Fascism. In this theory, the main subject of politics is not individualism, class struggle, or nation, but rather Dasein (existence itself).


In the book, Dugin states that he wishes to devise an entirely new political theory to replace what he identifies as the previous three dominant political theories: liberalism, fascism and communism. According to Dugin, his aim is to take elements from all three, ‘neutralise and decontaminate’ negative aspects such as racism and incorporate them into this new ideology. He refers to this ideology as a ‘timeless, non-modern theory’ valid for all time.


Newsweek accused Steve Bannon, White House Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to President Donald Trump, of having ideological links with Dugin , something that Dugin himself confirmed and was later repeated by The Independent, that noted how Dugin’s thought is influencing both Putin and Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdo?an.