Sit Down and Pour yourself a Stiff beverage or take a puff or two on one of them store bought marijuana cigs …and have a look at this short succinct History Lesson followed by an incredible up to the moment review of the dire straits the Nazi’s now find themselves in . This is Mindbending stuff .
From Dr Gerry ( Boom Financial )…Hats off to this guy ..This is Epic Analysis we have not seen before
I will post it mostly in the comment section but there are charts and memes than need to be seen…which I will post here with reference from the comments
I don’t want to post the link only because there are other items in this post from Boom and this deserves a stand alone post to be put at the top of the sidebar
Start with THIS teaser
In 1933, on 27th February, the Fascists in Germany burned down the Reichstag building, the Parliament in Berlin. They then persuaded the President, Paul Von Hindenburg, to do “whatever it takes” to “protect Germany” by enacting the Decree for Protection of the People and the State which abolished most civil liberties, including the right to speak, assemble and protest, and the right to due process. A State of Emergency was declared on the basis of the Decree. They then coerced the Centre Party (the Christians) to assist in passing the Enabling Act which granted all political power to the Fascists, unopposed. That was the end of Christian influence in German politics, the end of Democracy and the end of the Weimar Republic. The Enabling Act was subsequently signed on March 23rd 1933.
The new fascist totalitarian government immediately launched a massive expenditure program to re-arm the German military machine. Six years later, they triggered World War Two. It all ended in a massive defeat with the Russian Red Army in control of Berlin in 1945 with the destruction of the German State along with the deaths of many millions of people.
After the war ended, with Germany now controlled by four allied foreign armies, the Fascists did not relent. They continued organising with their plans to conquer and control Western Europe. NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) was formed on 4th April 1949 to “defend” Western Europe. Many fascist German Generals and officers became NATO commanders. The Federal Republic of West Germany was founded on 23rd May 1949. The Fascists then coerced the Military Governor, an American lawyer, John McCloy, to accept the Schuman Declaration in May 1950, (the Schuman Plan) which was a proposal to place French and West German production of coal and steel under a single authority. That “authority” evolved and became the European Coal and Steel Community which was the precursor of the European Union.
The Coal and Steel Community which became the European Union was closely engineered by a German public servant, Ernst Albrecht. Who was he? Good question. He was Ursula Von Der Leyen’s father. Ursula Von Der Leyen, formerly a doctor of medicine, public health lecturer and a German politician, is now the unelected Supremo Head of the European Commission, the critical centre of power in the European Union. She joined the World Economic Forum Board of Trustees in 2016 (WEF). She was the Minister of Defence in Germany for 5 years from 2013 – 2019 when she reportedly supported the concept of a Pan European Military Force. The Ukraine conflict has enabled her to now assemble “the Coalition of the Willing” along with the foolish French President Macron and the foolish British Prime Minister Starmer and she has embarked upon a great Re-Armament of Western Europe. Sounds familiar. Is history repeating?
Last week, the obsolete, electorally defeated German “government” hurriedly passed a Bill through the Reichstag to enable massive expenditures on “Re-Armament” over and above the so-called Debt Brake commitments which were the basis of the new government’s recent election policies. Yes – the people of Germany voted for an end to massive National Debt via the “Debt Brake” policies of the newly elected Government. But the new Reichstag Parliament is not yet sworn in. So the old, defeated government took the opportunity to push through legislation in which the proposed huge military spending is not covered by the debt brake policies of the new incoming government. All defence spending in excess of 1% GDP will be exempted from the debt brake. This means that the present deficit spending package has no upper limit and nobody knows how much they have committed to spend over the coming years. It might be a mere 1.5 Trillion Euros. It might be 1.8 Trillion Euros. It might be more.
That is German “democracy” in action and yet they claim to be defenders of “democracy” in their assistance to Ukraine and in future military adventures. Go figure. Friedrich Merz, the new incoming German Prime Minister, has broken all his election promises for responsible spending and the Debt Brake.
There is one big problem with the fascist plan of the “Willing” and that problem is Italy — the centre of the Christian world in Europe and its third largest economy. Georgia Meloni, the Prime Minister of Italy, is not playing ball. She refuses to be part of the “Coalition of the Willing”. She will not send her troops into danger in Ukraine. So Christian Italy is a definite speed bump to the Great Plan along with Christian Hungary and Christian Slovakia.
Then there is yet another problem with the fascist Plan. That is the funding of their giant Re-Armament. They cannot possibly extract enough taxation revenues from their moribund economies for that purpose. And the European Central Bank will not create such funds in a giant Quantitative Easing program without the express agreement of all nations in the EU. Hungary, Slovakia and Italy will clearly not agree. And last week, Spain also expressed reticence.
The last option for funding of the Grand Re-Armament Plan of the Coalition of the Willing is to turn to the Bond markets of Germany, France and the UK. But BOOM is 100 % certain that global Bond investors will not purchase Euro denominated Bonds to support such military adventurism. The Euro Bund market shows the collapse of confidence in private funding for the EU over the last 4 years. Euro Bund is a futures contract assigned by the Federal Republic of Germany, and traded on the Eurex Exchange.
BOOM is expecting further collapses in price here very soon indeed. After all, who would want to invest in the suicidal leaders of moribund north western Europe and the UK seeking a 100 year war? Charts sourced from
Checkmate – The Plan for 100 Year War cannot be funded
The war mongering Fascists are not renowned for their intellectual brilliance.
The situation is actually even worse than that. Capital flight is already a problem for Europe. Last Thursday, the European Council President Antonio Costa said that officials in Brussels are seeking to stop capital flight out of Europe.
“As of today, around 300 Billion Euro of EU families’ savings flow out of European Union markets each year,” he said, acknowledging that business as usual is no longer an option for the bloc. “That is 300 Billion Euros that won’t fund businesses in the European Union.”
Or war mongering.
But there is another problem. That is Christian America which is now clearly in alliance with Christian Russia. Donald Trump is not going to agree to anything put forward by the fascists who are intent on fighting their “100 Year War” under their Liberal LGBTQ Woke Banner.
Trump wants to stop the Ukraine War and achieve a peace with Russia based upon mutual agreement. He is even proceeding with long term plans to reduce American, Russian and Chinese nuclear armaments.
They don’t seem to know it yet (remember, they are slow learners) but the foolish Ukrainian Fascists led by the foolish Zelensky actually only have one option left – and that is to rubber stamp anything and everything that the Christian alliance of Russia and America puts forward.
An alliance between Christian America and Christian Russia with Christian Italy, Christian Hungary, Christian Slovakia, Christian Spain and Christian Slovenia as backstop is the obvious solution to the fascist threat emanating once again from Germany with France and the UK in tow.
Is this the ultimate end of World War Two with the Fascists finally defeated?
Trump must now choose between war or peace in Europe. He has openly expressed his strong ambitions for peace and the end of the Ukraine conflict. He is opposed to World War Three. Here is his chance for Geopolitical greatness, to be remembered for ending the war in Ukraine, achieving Peace in Europe and avoiding World War Three.
Most of the leaders of Western Europe, however, including the UK (led by the unliked and unlikable Prime Minister Keir Starmer) and the EU (led by the unelected Ursula Von Der Leyen) seem to be mongers of perpetual war. In other words, they see war as inevitable, lasting up to 100 years and (presumably) the only pathway to peace. They are even discussing the forecast costs of 800 Million Euros to “Re-Arm” and launch their Hundred Year War on the battlefield of Ukraine against the old enemy, Russia.
All of that is presumably in the defence of “democracy” but nobody has asked the people of Europe (or the UK) if they want to do any of that. Where are the young men willing to die for these deluded leaders? And where is the money going to come from? Starmer is the most disliked UK Prime Minister in history and Von Der Leyen is frequently referred to as a re-incarnation of Hitler and a “Nazi” in posts on Social Media.
From Political Pulse (experts in Polling) dated 17th March — “Keir Starmer has witnessed an extraordinary decline in his approval ratings, marking the most substantial post-election fall for any British prime minister in recent history. This rapid decline in public opinion has occurred within just months of election win.”
For Trump, the most definitive and obvious road to peace is to form a long lasting alliance with Russia. Perhaps this could be called The Ultimate Business Deal.
So — a Christian Alliance between Russia, the USA, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Italy, Spain and Slovenia could rise against the non-Christian, fascist ideologues of Western Europe and the UK who (clearly) support the fascist dictatorship in Ukraine.
Could Ursula Von Der Leyen and Keir Starmer find support from the People of Europe and the UK in such a stand-off? The answer is No. It appears that NATO is dead in the water and the European Union is heavily damaged.
The US Vice President, JD Vance, gave an interview last week in which he said that Globalist Europe is “on the brink of suicide”. “Germany will have killed itself ….” and “Europe is at risk of engaging in civilisational suicide”. BOOM agrees 100%.
On the recent massacre of Christians in Syria which is due to the Biden administration’s actions taken before leaving office, Vance was remarkably honest and clearly concerned for the future of Christianity …. “when America encourages Islamic rebels to take over a country, very often …. Christians get destroyed”.
This emphasis on a Geopolitical Christian revival in Eastern Europe and America and a willingness to take action is not a figment of BOOM’s imagination. It is real.
Hopefully, the People and the Woke “leaders” of the UK and North Western Europe will read BOOM today and stop playing games of war with the lives of other people. The rabid Kaja Kallas, Mark Rutte, Jens Stoltenberg, Donald Tusk, Emmanuel Macron, Keir Starmer, Olaf Scholz, Friedrich Merz, Boris Johnson and, last but not least, Ursula Von Der Leyen must take heed. They are in the process of destroying their nations economically, socially and politically. The destruction that follows may be as bad as what happened to Germany in 1945 if they continue to support the tyrannical, unelected dictator in non-democratic Ukraine. Peace is the way forward. Not war.
If these “strong woke leaders” wish for war, they can immediately fly with their adult children (if they have any) to Ukraine and go straight to the Eastern Front to sacrifice themselves on the Meat Grinder altar of “European democracy” and Zelenskyism. Nothing is stopping them from taking this action.
Can we jettison our personal and national quests for Fame, Fortune and the Identification of Enemies?
BOOM would like to suggest that Billions of Dollars be spent on Diplomacy. It’s a radial plan but it just might work. Could we find Peace through discussion, through meetings between people from different nations? Perhaps they could listen to some good classical music, stay calm and then discuss how to create lasting Peace and Prosperity?
It’s a radical suggestion but it just might work.
And can we start by not talking about “Threats”? Also, can we ban the phrase “we must do whatever it takes”?
Perhaps this family history explains Ursula’s hatred of all things Russian?
Ursula Von Der Leyen’s great, great grandfather, Johann Ludwig Knoop, was one of the most prominent entrepreneurs of the Russian Empire in the 19th century. He was born on 15 May 1821. Some refer to him as the Russian Rockefeller; others call him the Estonian Rockefeller. Having arrived in Moscow in 1840 with very little money, Johann Ludwig von Knoop went on to amass one of the biggest fortunes in the Russian Imperial Tzarist Empire. Approximate estimates indicated that his wealth reached 100 million roubles and he also had nine large textile mills, three Egyptian cotton import companies, an insurance firm and a coal mine. The extensive trade and industry conglomerate was controlled by the trading house of L. Knoop. & Co.
After the two Russian revolutions of 1917, the Knoops were forced to emigrate from Russia and their enterprises were nationalised.
Source: Narva Museum, Narva, Estonia (on border between Estonia and Russia)
I presume Boom is from the UK.
Love the history lessons, and sent it to others with similar interests (F&F).
(But maybe not similar points of view …. we’ll see about that aspect!)
I expect Carbon Tax Carney to call a federal election tomorrow (Sunday 24 March, 2025)
Furthermore I expect election day to be late April/early May.
Whatever. It may or may not happen.
What better happen is that Poilievre wins the upcoming Canada general election and is installed as the new prime minister of Canada.
Otherwise Carney will have Canada reaching out to support Europe. Thus the final destruction of our country will be assured.
Thanks for breaking this article into sections Fully, much easier and less intimidating (dizzying) that way.
GREAT post Fully. Thank you.