UK – Starmer warns ‘severe consequences’ for Putin if peace deal is broken
Sir Keir Starmer has issued a warning to Vladimir Putin that there would be ‘severe consequences’ if Russia broke any peace deal with Ukraine.
LOL — Is Starmer trying (again) to make himself relevant when neither the UK nor EU have been invited to participate in any way, shape or form in potential peace talks between USA, Ukraine and Russia. While there is NO peace deal (yet), only those with a vested interest in the negotiations will have any input into final outcome or regulations. Unless the UK wants to acknowledge that it is their military guiding the nightly drone attacks and thus assume the role of an active participant? It’s quite obvious to outside observers that NATO wants the war to continue!
(Be sure to see the article posed earlier about EU desire to transition the US out of NATO over next 10-15 years). Will US remain in NATO that long — in fact will they stay to the end of 2025? Why would they – when “none” of the EU countries will achieve the 5% of GDP target that Trump set?
I’m reminded of that knight accusing his foe of cowardice as he rides away after removing the knight’s appendages. “Come back you coward.” Monty Python rides again. Starmer is a worm, trying to pretend he’s a lizard, hoping to come across as the Lock Ness Monster. Both he and Macron should just shut up, and send their troops, which will be returned to sender within a month by Vladimir Vladimirovich. This war has become tiresome for all the sheer stupidity of the west, both on the military and diplomatic side. We should nuke ourselves!
Strider — now that you mention it what happened to the anticipated nuclear false flag event?
When Ukraine flew a drone into it’s own nuclear power plant, the issue just sort of faded away, however, the original speculation was for a dirty bomb that Ukraine had gathered all the materials for. Hopefully this issue truly is dead and not just awaiting someone stupid enough to set it off …………
I don’t think it’s dead, K2. I think it’s more likely than ever. Europe is desperate to escalate this war. Trump should have forcefully ended it. Instead he’s trying to gain some minor advantage through negotiation. Considering the risks inherent in the continuation of the war, he is being extremely reckless. I think the reason Putin signed off on the agreement not to destroy energy infrastructure for a period of time was to hamstring the continuing Ukrainian attempt to blow up a nuclear power installation. Any competent leader would immediately de-escalate. Not Trump! He’s staring in the art of the deal. He’s a complete amateur, and there are no competent professionals around him. This is a very dangerous period.
May I say, this war has not ended because the people who started it – hello America – haven’t accepted that they have suffered a geo-political disaster. The world has changed, and the U.S. is far weaker with the loss of this confrontation than it seems willing to accept. The entire world understands the import of Russia defeating NATO militarily. China and Russia, and even Iran, are now concerned with managing the petulant, and dangerous, behaviour of the U.S. They don’t want war. They know they have defeated American hegemony. In victory, they would avoid the war the west seems to desire.
The US needs to depart from NATO BEFORE the UK/Europe can spark WWIII.
It could happen in the blink of an eye – Trump needs to get ahead of it now, the time for carrot and stick games IS OVER.
EUROPE is not going to change it’s path without the bloodshed/boot-on-head of it’s native born citizens.
Presently the reasons are already there – why should the US defend (via a majority per-capital bankroll) a completely leftist/morally corrupt cesspool that Europe has WILLFULLY become (it’s well past the tipping point of becoming an islamic nuclear power) – and I might add, wishes to make Canada it it’s own image (the British Crown STILL controls Canada IMO).
Canada the Illusion >>
Luongo and SNP discussed this yesterday.
The choice for Canadians is not between Carney/LibParty and Trump, it’s between STARMER/WEF/EU and Trump.
Also in the big scheme of things, since nearly all of Europe (with a few exceptions like Hungary) is itself going full leftitst/marxist (a la USSR, and some could even argue present day Russia). The choice for the US is to pick whether to deal with the EU or Russia – Russia holds more cards – screw the UK/EU, like a whoring wife we’re done with them.