Attorney General Pam Bondi is putting intense pressure on both the FBI and her own department to accelerate the release of (Epstein) critical case files.
This “reads” as if the Epstein files were buried and never reviewed and/or investigated AND now they are trying to do years worth of work by forced overtime.
What kind of National Security is involved
A bunch of Hugh level pedophiles are compromised by being taped in the act…Just re;ease the tapes unredacted and we can all decide for ourselves
That’s transparency
I hear Justice Roberts was cozy with Epstein …maybe there is a deal to be made first
Such bullshit. Only two people are giving us straight up honesty: Trump and Elon. All the rest is bullshit.
Hey Bondi, lock up some criminals, and worry about the sensationalist shit later. Fauci, Birx, Pelosi, Garland, Smith, Schiff, Weinstein, Clinton, Obama, and thousands more await the proverbial long arm of the law. Why am I not hopeful that any of this will occur?
Bondi’s job is to cross the t’s and dot the i’s so as to ensure victory in the courtroom. If it takes a week it takes a week — if a month then it’s a month — as long as she gets convictions and they pay for their sins!
Exactly, we are all frustrated by how long but the clock only started on Bondi about a month ago. It was all buried under Biden and most of the evidence was likely destroyed. Better to get it right than rush and make a mistake that let’s the guilty get off on a technicality.