I’m quite sure that the nexus of the Trump/Putin phone conversation was agreeing how they would partner together to create a combined force, as necessary, against interference by the EU and the UK. The latter seem unable to understand that such an alliance would create an unassailable, giant pincer, capable of squashing them into helpless submission. In June 2022, I wrote an article in the Daily Clout, in which I compared what was coming with 1945. I turned out to be several years ahead of myself, but it now seems to be accelerating towards this historical reality, i.e. a German-dominated Europe is defeated by the allied powers (America, Russia, Great Britain & its Commonwealth). To neutralise it ever happening again, Europe is then broken up and the spoils divided by a wall. At the moment, Europe presents itself as recalcitrant and bellicose once more, and if it continues in this vein will most definitely invoke the pincer.

If they continue to push it, the only question that remains would be where the wall would be built. And the only difference this time round is Great Britain’s position in all of this. In 1945 it was quite clear. Right now, however, Great Britain appears to be batting for the losing side. However, with centuries of duplicitous, skin-saving, finagling experience under their belt, never underestimate the ability of the Brits to turn the coat inside out at the eleventh hour, and see the merit in attaching their limpets to the winners.

After 1945 came Nuremberg.