Fashion designer DIESEL – the next Balenciaga ?
First – some background and the reason for posting this (to address your comment Strider)
Recall (tenters’ comments on Balenciaga fashion pedo story)
More from the ‘Fashion’ industry player DIESEL.
This is one of the odder posts I’ve seen in the Tent. Tell us more, YYZ. Do you have an interest in fashion? Is Diesel an important figure in that world? Clue us in!
See additional links placed in post for relevance. I’d also mention that such ‘runway’ shows (bottom link) often occur in old european christian churches. The fashion industry and I’ll just say it without a dozen links – rolling stone, vogue, miss vogue, flaunt, nicole kidman, and many many others, all have intimate knowledge of this.
a example…
You answered none of my questions, and posted what can only be described as soft porn. What’s the purpose of all this? What point are you trying to make?
I’ll spell it out. The points:
1) exposing what I would consider a cabal of monsters/slaves and masters for what they are – light destroys darkness – Balagencia DID in fact suffer repurcussions due to publicity in normie land.
2) If any tenters/readers have young children/adolescents interested in the fashion industry, it’s worth pointing this out.
3) further evidence Pizzagate is REAL and the pedo’s are still hanging on to their symbology (BTW the red car smashing the ‘cleaning/nothing to see here’ phase of the party was also symbolic).
If you don’t know why pizzagate is worth looking into still, (including the death of Seth Rich and several others) at that time – I don’t konw what to say.
4) further evidence that Europe (notice the countries this brand has a presence/clientele in (including the US) but mostly in the UK/EU member states, is chock full of like-minded folk who – I’ll say it ‘have evil in their hearts’.
5) the imagery/linkage of common bathroom space between sexes, androgyny and many other behaviors/objects depicted are in fact CONNECTED by an agenda (a lot to do with MKULTRA).
4) members of evil cabals communicate amongst themselves largely through symbols because a) it’s plausibly deniable 2) it’s cool (to the ignorant until they find out what’s behind the curtain).
To not confuse strangeness/incompetence/nonsense for willful evil/subversive/traitorous intent, I believe is part of the tent’s mission.
After nearly a decade (and esp. since the 2020 ‘awakening’ here), I figured what I just stated above was ground not worth re-treading and the original post was sufficient. I do make an effort to not dwell on these type of stories/events unnecessarily, just when I think something current needs exposure and is linked to prior events.