‘My jaw is dropped’: Canadian official’s interview (Melanie Joly – Canada Foreign Minister) stuns Amanpour
12 minutes
An articulate defense of Canada! Possibly the first reasonable discussion on Canada’s virtues that has occurred since the Trump “art of the deal” baiting on tariffs.
I would love to see an independent Sovereign Canada but the fact that we have allowed all levels of Government to be infiltrated by the CCP on one hand and the WEF on the other, leaves us vulnerable to security leaks within the Five Eyes organization.
None of this was mentioned in the interview. It was likely pre-planned as an anti-Trump vent by both CNN and the Foreign Minister.
We had the 2018 CUSMA trade deal which Trump says is open for renegotiation. What is the true goal of this tariff war? Jobs, investment in the US, foreign influence on Canada which affects the US? Where does all the millions laundered through Vancouver and BC go after they buy real estate and have surplus funds. Political influence, crime that’s where.
The 1% fentanyl figure is likely only what is intercepted at the border. My bet is that it is multiples of that. The RCMP appears to turn a blind eye to the drug labs in this country until the US DEA forces them to do something.
So many kickbacks and influence peddling from these ill gotten gains has corrupted our Country.
During my adult life, BC historically stood for “Bring Cash” or Bad Choice” when you ran out of funds. Canada opened themselves up to the influx of cartel and gang activity in the lead up to the Hong Kong transfer over to China in 1997. The Feds just opened the door without much scrutiny of who came in under the HK immigration.
None of this was mentioned in this setup interview. It was a Trump hit piece.
I wish Trump would have approached this from a different angle. Used tariffs only as a threat but stated what he wanted and given the Country time to clean up the mess with their assistance.