Canadian Driftwood!
When first I heard of Trump’s insulting notion that Canada should become the fifty first state, I was angered. Surely this kind of clownish behaviour will be buried as more sober voices influenced the President. I then started to examine my visceral response, and recognized it as a remnant of my long since dormant patriotic feelings, which in turn co-responded to the path of a country that no longer exists.
Our recently departed Prime Minister was only the latest stain on the Canadian fantasy of importance laid low by our political choices, and the passage of time. The first iteration of Trudeau megalomania was enough to persuade me that our country was not something substantial. It was a country that could be altered, in the most fundamental manner, by the mere whim of a politician. Papa Trudeau was the first Canadian Prime Minister who had concluded that our country could be ruled by securing the central Canadian vote. In short, keeping Quebec wholly in his camp, while seducing half of Ontario’s voters, would secure the political majority needed to rule as a dictator. Which is exactly what he did. Fuck the rest of the country; and the rest of the country played along as though it were the natural order of things.
That state of affairs convinced me that Canada was not a real country, and certainly there was little in this political entity of which to be proud. We were formed as a confederation; that is to say, a collection of equal states with a common purpose. What the hell happened?
We endured Trudeau’s vision of nation building: the federal government constantly imposing its will in areas of provincial responsibility. The implementation of “The Charter Of Rights And Freedoms”, the most Americanizing document in our history, and a complete abridgement of nine hundred years of British jurisprudence, which was so full of loopholes that our rights and freedoms were now a matter of governmental discretion. Witness his son’s outrageous behaviour in response to The Trucker’s Protest. How did the Charter protect those amazing patriots? Not at all! What a fucking joke!
So here I am. A man contemptuous of his own country for most of his life, yet finding himself perturbed that some big daddy south of the line would contemplate absorbing whole our ridiculous, though magnificent, country. To be frank, my anger faded with each passing day. Apparently, I now have a leader for whom no one voted, and who has over time demonstrated his allegiance to foreign powers with very peculiar, anti-human values. Fuck him, and the taxpayer financed horse he rode in on!
Now, I should pay homage to a man I do not find particularly admirable, yet one who I have supported from the start of his political career, not because of his personal characteristics, but because of his willingness to confront the obvious corruption of the gigantic evil force that consumes his own country. He took on that force, and for all its criminality and institutional power, he won out! Donald Trump is an historic figure, of that there can be no doubt. The question for us in the north, is whether we choose to become a most significant part of the great man’s story.
I see no reprieve from the lamentable political dynamic that is Canada’s troubled fate, and as much as it irritates the hell out of me, the choice becomes clearer each day. Get it done, Trump! Fuck the new world order!
Congrats, Sir Strider on your best commentary in quite some time. I never thought about the US absorbing Canada in the past, because I didn’t know much about how Canada’s govt. operated and was focused on the problems we had here in the US, especially these last four years with Biden. Now that Trump is executing his plans to reverse our decline, I think more about Canada joining the US, not because we want to expand our empire and rule over her, but because if she were to join the US, maybe she too could reverse the damge done by her governments’ of the last many decades. Both peoples would benefit.
I would rather live as part of the US than as a WEF vassal state as we are now.
We have doubled our debt in the last 10 years, ruined our economy and standard of living – for what?
Election NOW!
My sentiments exactly.
I took my US flag down at the request of GMG as a friend of hers with terminal TDS was coming over for lunch. It can not be flown at this time as I would have every window in my place broken by Conservative Canadians all suffering from TDS.
If the US is going to throw off the WEF and UN Agenda 21, I’m all in although it was not my first choice.
Well said. Realism.
“When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do, sir?”
Canada the Illusion – a history lesson.
Is Canada a truly Independant Sovereign?
FGC, I’ll refrain from sharing this post in future discussions on where Canada’s sovereign loyalties/obligations originated and currently lie, but I hope all tenter’s getting in the discussion realize, this is a fight against an extension of the British Crown. I believe that When it comes down to the wire, the UK will show their ‘legal’ hand, but it could well be ignored.
Alex Krainer and Luongo are correct – British colonialism has been replaced by lies, lawfare and international subterfuge, they hold few cards except through extortion and use of these tactics.