Disorderly Greetings On A Full Moon Friday!

The disorderly part is the fact this latest gallery is current, as in it just took place, versus following the chronological order of my travels, which are about a month behind in processing of the photos. This current event seems worth sharing now, if for no other reason than it’s Friday and there’s a full moon, which reportedly can make some people act crazy. Anyway, you decide whether or not this was simply a very cool event, or just plain crazy:


My walrus friend and I will stay in Yakutsk until the middle of next week. Then, we’ll join a small group in two very well winterized 4X4 vehicles and spend 8 days driving on the ‘Kolyma Highway’, from Yakutsk to Magadan. The adventure continues!

Enjoy the full moon and don’t do anything too crazy! Ow-oooooo….. . . . . .
