Musk Reveals Treasury Has Been Auto-Paying Everyone, ‘Even Known Terrorist Groups’
Article said it included payments to contractors. Wonder if that means for all Federal Depts. and contraactors or does the Pentagon handle their own payments separately? If so the same thing is probably going on over there as well.
The DOGE team discovered, among other things, that payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups.
They literally never denied a payment in their entire career.
Not even once.
These freakin govt. bureaucrats know and willfully commit fraud, which is why they try to block audits and when they do occur, they always fail, like the Pentagon.
Is there really ANY gold left in the USA?
IF there was, they wouldn’t be pushing so hard for Crypto
“Is there really ANY gold left in the USA?” There is BUT NOT in Ft. Knox. Still in the ground, yet to be mined. Go back and read my post from last Sunday. It could end up being a bigger phenomena than crypto.
From what I understand, hundreds of tons of gold have been shipped from London to New York over the past few months, so they have some, although I have my doubts about the 8500 tons in Fort Knox.
There is always gold left in the ground but it takes 10 years to get it out.
US Gov’t has been saying for decades that they have ~8500 tons in Fort Knox while the industry rumour is that it has been the source of rehypothecation. Gold flowed out the back door via the COMEX market makers (at least that’s the market speculation- on loan but never to be returned – China mostly).
Gold was recently revalued to a Tier One asset and thus is considered collateral for international financing purposes. Crypto is not.
So if the US really don’t have any gold left (ie: the requirement for an audit) that would explain the focus on establishing a crypto reserve as lenders won’t wait 10 years for real gold to replace what has been lost.
Proof of “no gold” would result in the US being placed on the lowest tier of available collateralization and threaten world reserve currency status.
Meanwhile Central banks around the world continue to build up their reserves while the price is surpressed due to government intervention.
The support for crypto is thus a diversionary tactic to keep the world from confirming that the US Treasury is running on fumes!