This is just a brief rant on the topic of the government being able to keep secrets over long periods of time. Just saw a video from a retired military person discussing the drone issue. Didn’t watch for long, largely because he was clueless.

What gets me is he, and many other former military/govt. employees often trot out the excuse, that a particular conspircy theory is unlikely, because the government wouldn’t be able to keep the story(whatever it might be, drones, aliens etc.) a secret for long periods of time because so many people would be aware of it. That is such a weak BS argument.

It isn’t the amount of time, nor the number of people who might have some knowledge of a topic. It IS the fact that the government not wanting the public to know, whether for legitimate reasons or not, makes the info classified. People don’t want to lose their pensions and they certainly don’t want to go to jail.

That is how they keep secrets for decades. So whenever some former military, govt. employee or MSM hack, throws out that excuse, you can be sure there is likely a good deal of credibilty to a conspiracy theory, especially if that is their ownly real argument. End of rant.