SCOTUS over rules 4th Circuit re VA purging non citizens
“Many people are still left asking how this ever became an argument. Democrats have long pronounced that further election integrity measures aren’t needed because non-citizens voting is already illegal. Yet, when a state attempted to follow through by preventing non-citizens from voting, they were sued. The inconsistency was obvious. ”
Nevada next?
I will say, this was not as cut and dried as portrayed.
Voting by non citizens is illegal.
This was more about “last minute” edits to the voting rolls and the lower courts ruling in favor of not pulling so close to the election, given the potential for computer screwups.
The response MIGHT BE that folks could still re-register if they were dropped by mistake. IDK.
Plus, when does inconviencing or making something difficult or confusing, more important than getting it RIGHT? These lower court rulings about not changing rules or procedures are fine if it is some minor technicality. When it comes to ruling whether to uphold a law or the Constitution, it shouldn’t matter if it is 5 days, 5 hours or 5 minutes before a deadline. Getting it correct is ALL that matters.