If, and it is a big if, we are going to see a final silver smackdown, I believe it will begin now and take place tomorrow, Thursday and possibly last into the end of the month, next Monday.

That is the window, if it is going to happen. The good news is, that today’s spike brought silver to just under the yearly high at $32.50, that I have been targeting for some time, as the final barrier before a major breakout.

By doing so, silver would be taken down from it’s highest price since late May. That is a sign that the riggers are running out of their ability to shake out enough speculative longs, to cover their losing short positions. Each recent takedown of 2-3 dollars or so, comes from a higher starting price and bottoms at a higher low.

It is possible the shorts are unable to engineer this final takedown, in which case silver would just explode higher tomorrow and going forward. I believe it is 50-50. If we do get a $1-$3 dollar pullback before month end, I believe it will be the last major one, before a significant upside run begins.(plus 30-50%)