For anyone who does not know the importance of Bill Gates Sr in the making of Bill Gates Jr, this is an enlightening read. Backed up by 75 pages of Notes.
Any book that listed their sources has a lot of credibility.
This pulls together the pieces of info that we hear about Bill Jr. As it turns out, his father perfected the techniques and guides Jr. MicroSoft borrowed many of their intellectual property through their “Embrace-extend-extinguish (or exterminate) leading to the Monopoly that they had over the early days of software development.

We learn that Jr was resistant to philanthropy until his Mother encouraged him. The Charitable Foundations are just a legalized tax avoidance scheme as we have known for some time. For Fun and profit. Mostly profit. He immediately glommed onto vaccines as the way forward to reduce the World’s population. The theory goes that if the poor people know their children will survive to adulthood they will have fewer children.

Many of the vaccination schemes in India and Africa lead to sterilization, harm and death. Oh well, what’s a few million poor dead children in the path to profits. Psychopaths don’t care.

Only part way through. Some would put the book down as too depressing knowing that these people are worshipped by Celebrities, the Media and Politicians. Remember MSNBC? Starts with MicroSoft.
Why? There are benefits to cheerleading the psychopaths.

I will persevere reading the book so you don’t have to.

One important point to take home. Once the Psychopaths got control of Vaccination, it was never about health. Personally, I would not trust another shot. I’ve never had a Flu or Covid shot.

The second take home point is the entire playbook of non-pharmaceutical interventions was written by Jr and his Foundation. Lockdowns, testing, track and trace, Vaccine Cards, travel restrictions, social distancing, you get the picture. It was all to prepare the frightened world into accepting a rushed new platform that had no hope of stopping transmission, had no safety track record and did not prevent infection.

We know the rest of the story.

My District Library has a great collection of recent expose books that may not be popular in the cities:)