Not sure if I commented on this recently so I will post. I was rather shocked and told my usual group of sane friends about this. I try not to label them as conservative as some do not label themselves as such.

On a recent exploratory bike ride through an area of Vancouver that I had never been, I stopped at a lovely city park. It was surrounded by homes mostly built in the 60’s with the usual scattering of new homes of size.

Spoke to a university aged male of Indian descent (India or Sri Lanka). He was as Canadianized as myself. I mentioned how nice this neighbourhood was with the trees and well kept homes. His family came over when he was in public school. There are 35 extended family members now. All the youth are expected to get an education. They Love Canada but he hesitated for a second.
It came out that his values are faith and family and he does not like the direction of the country. He has assimilated but keeps his religion and language at home. Outside of home he is Canadian. All his working age family member work. No welfare even though the adults who came over had no special education.

When I asked him how can we fix the craziness in Canada, he told me that all his voting aged relatives are voting Conservative in the BC and Federal elections, 20 of them. What is so remarkable about this? None of them has ever voted Conservative before.

I’ve heard the same from recent immigrants to the US who came legally and are AMERICAN and will vote Trump. They are proud of that. These are the people who built Canada and the US. They assimilated and love their country and want it to succeed.

I am ashamed to hear older white females (45 and up) who spout crazy stuff that will only destroy the country. Their husbands if they still have one, tend to go along. Shameful.

The most hope is from those who struggled to come to North America and brought their ambition with them. The other strong group emerging is the young male who has seen through this madness. Sadly, many will not find a suitable mate as the mind virus has afflicted the female population at a higher rate. My thought is that they may find a suitable mate outside their traditional ethnic group.

What keeps me going day to day are the people I meet who are sane.
It is truly the Sane vs the Insane. It’s not R vs L anymore.