, I noticed another influencer post yesterday that signaled more good news in the climate wars. Ryan Maue, a PhD meteorologist and climate influencer (122K followers), tweeted a thread yesterday about the baffling lack of hurricanes so far this season:

You can imagine how excited I was when I saw his musings about the mysterious disappearance of hurricanes, considering Science widely predicted this would be the worst hurricane season in history, all thanks to carbon-fueled climate change. One famous Ivy League climate scientist predicted thirty-three named storms this year, which now would require a significant storm every two days for the rest of the eight-week season. But, behold:

At last! Somebody finally mentioned the historic Hunga Tonga eruption, which C&C readers have known about for nearly two years now. And … solar activity! The ‘global warming’ narrative is falling apart. We’re making progress.



It is becoming very apparent that EVERYTHING called “SCIENCE” that we have been programmed to believe is based on rock solid research and “evidence”.. is Suspect at best… and… BULLSHIT at worst

I am leaning towards BULLSHIT


… The Big Bang Theory…BULLSHIT

…..Darwins Theory of Evolution..BULLSHIT

….Carbon Dating and the Age of the Earth…BULLSHIT

…..Climatology and Modeling based on Past Climate Research…Bullshit

…..Physics / Einstein’s “Theories”…BULLSHIT

…..Virus Theory….Bullshit



You are all Frauds …and worse selling out your “research” to the highest bidder

PS…Maybe Farmer’s Flat Earth Theory deserves another look

and maybe the Earth IS the center of the Universe

Pass it On
