The UK was running at 60% self-sufficiency home production figure for most of the past two to three decades. It dropped to around 45% five years ago and this year (2024) that figure has fallen to just 32%. The implications of this are serious indeed. A leading world nation-state relying on close to a 70% import position in order to feed a population of some 60 million is a massive no, no.

The foods that appear in the nation’s supermarkets and hypermarkets all come from soil-deficient practices, whether home produced or imported. Many also come from hydroponic systems that drip soluble nutrients into vast water containers in which the plants are grown. No soil involved at all. The modern consumer is therefore ingesting – and attempting to digest – a toxic, vitamin-depleted and largely lifeless diet, thus storing up a dangerous cocktail of health problems both now and for the future.

In the meantime Bill Gates is buying up precious heritage seed reserves, the only source of non DNA-altered/non GMO-modified indigenous seeds, only to immediately close them down after purchase. A blatant and repugnant act of ecocide. Gates is right at the heart of the elite global cult’s drive to starve the majority of humanity out of the picture. He, along with Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari and their indoctrinated-‘young global leaders’ are working to ensure that an entirely synthetic, GM laboratory-based fake food will replace soil grown plants and grass fed animals within the next ten years.

Gates has already purchased vast acreages of US farmland in which to grow experimental DNA-altered GM crops and ‘vaccine ready’ ingredients for combatting future plandemics – which he is also involved in planning and instigating.