The state of Canada today.

For those not familiar with BC, this Rest Stop on the TransCanada Highway is in Abbotsford. It is or was the last official Rest Stop on the highway as one approaches Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. This Global News clip is a year old and the vehicles looked well maintained at that time. Not anymore.

Yesterday we stopped there briefly before encountering the usual traffic congested trip into the city. Over the years this Rest Stop evolved from a pleasant area where travellers could get out, walk around, use the facilities before moving on, to a full-on Trudeauville. All parking spots taken up by decrepit RVs, campers and vans. I couldn’t tell if anyone lived in some of them. Debris and garbage everywhere. The once clean Washroom is a no go area. Safer and cleaner to relieve oneself in the bushes near the back. No transport trucks can use the site as there are no open spots. So they don’t have a chance for a break.

Noticed a sign on the approach stating the Rest Stop would be closed this month. Reason given is there will be road construction on the TCH and access will be impaired.

Along this stretch of highway the number of tents and encampments are growing. These people have nowhere to go. I’m not passing judgement on them. Complex reasons why and how they ended up in desperation.

For a country that is directing millions or billions towards International causes or for various studies and consultants regarding Social Justice, why are we ignoring this growing problem. Most politicians don’t seem to care. Most Bills in Parliament are written by Lobbyists for special interest groups (industry) which do not consider the best interests of the citizens. This group is growing at a frightening pace. Tents are now seen in areas that I would never have encountered before. This is Vancouver where a tear down can be had for $4.5 million. If this continues at this pace we could devolve into Third World status with no middle class. Just the rich and poor.

At the same time we are bringing in a million new arrivals who are competing for jobs and affordable housing. Almost all the construction jobs are filled by new arrivals. Great that they are working.

Going to make my annual bike trip through the Lower East Side (East Hastings St encampments) to check it out today. My cycling buddy has an extreme case of TDS, loves Biden and supports the war to the last Ukranian but doesn’t seem to have a problem with the Homeless. He’s a California Democrat from birth. He loves Gruesome Newsome. I’ll probably hear about how disappointed he is regarding the failed assassination attempt. What can I say, I need some people to do activities with. I know some here would probably let him have an earful. One good point is his wife told him they are not having any more shots. Why? After 4 shots, they don’t prevent the recurring bouts of Covid they’ve had.