This is from Jeff Childers Sunday Private Post ! WOW

Now I have seen everything. On Thursday, former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who never saw a Proxy War he didn’t love, published a pro-Trump editorial in the UK Daily Mail headlined, “BORIS JOHNSON: Why I am more convinced than ever that Trump has the strength and bravery to save Ukraine and end this appalling war.” Trump will save Ukraine! Boris also tweeted it:

The op-ed and Johnson’s tweet showed us President Trump met with Boris and discussed Ukraine on Tuesday—at the RNC. Trump was multitasking, and Boris attended. Here’s what Boris said in his op-ed:

Having talked to Donald Trump this week, I am more convinced than ever that he has the strength and the bravery to fix it, to save Ukraine, to bring peace — and to stop the disastrous contagion of conflict.
The war has been going on too long, and the cost is immense, in lives, in economic misery and instability.
I believe that Trump can end it — on the right terms for Ukraine and the West. I stress that I cannot be sure exactly what he would do, if elected. But this is what he could do.
The rest of Boris’s thoughts are delusional magical thinking about Ukraine’s prospects, but that’s almost a side issue. The UK’s former Prime Minister was clearly arguing that Trump, not Biden, is the way forward. It stood in stark contrast to NATO hand-wringing about a potential Trump victory; could it be a sign of moderation?

One wonders who else might have attended the Milwaukee convention, and how much work President Trump accomplished behind the scenes, all while Joe Biden slept off his Paxlovid treatment.


HA !

“Above all, with Trump in the White House, there is the real prospect of some global rapprochement with Russia, and with Putin, a return to the days when Russia was a respected partner of the G8 and even of Nato.”

“But there is only one way to achieve this outcome — through strength. Washington under Trump will have to show that international borders must be respected, and that the Soviet empire cannot be rebuilt by force.

That means backing the Ukrainians to the hilt. If Trump had been in the White House, I don’t think Putin would have been so reckless and criminal as to invade Ukraine.”