From Jeff Childers

Yesterday, Bloomberg ran an equally irksome story headlined “Musk Donates to Trump, Tapping Vast Fortune to Swing 2024 Race.” The sub-headline added, “Tech mogul contributed to group backing Trump in swing states; Move demonstrates Musk’s growing influence in Washington.”

Corporate media, long content with looney leftwing oligarchs like George Soros, was also irked, and quite sure that Elon Musk’s historic donation to a pro-Trump super PAC is literally destroying democracy.

I attended a semi-secret event late last night at an undisclosed location in Nashville. The speaker was Georgetown University Law Professor and frequent legal commentator Jonathon Turley. Turley said, point blank, that Elon Musk has done more to save free speech than possibly any other individual who isn’t a Supreme Court Justice. The professor was referring, of course, to Musk’s purchase of Twitter and subsequent Twitter files disclosures.

Much could be said about all this, and we must acknowledge that plenty of folks remain wary of being brain-chipped. But I would just offer one point, a point that corporate media always studiously avoids in its overwrought reporting about the tech entrepreneur: Musk was a lifelong democrat until California officials shut down his car plant as non-essential during the pandemic.

Here it is, behold, the beginning of the Musk Revolution, the genesis of his political awakening, an astoundingly stupid and catastrophically cretinous communication that was recorded in real-time on social media between witless “proud latina” and Assemblywoman (former) Lorena Gonzalez and Elon Musk, long before the notion of buying Twitter ever graced the billionaire’s hyperactive grey matter:

Now, one massively significant tweet later, lifelong Democrat Musk is deploying his intellect and resources to help Republicans. Here come the chickens! Back to their roosts. I told them, over and over, they would live to regret their high-handed pandemic decrees. But like the deaf adder of old, no matter how loudly I piped, they wouldn’t listen.

Ha !