I must admit that I did not spend much time on Geopolitical events until I got off the work treadmill.  Did I accept everything I was told? Yes and no.

To obtain a degree you need to regurgitate material that would satisfy the examiners.  Certain concepts bothered me but it was contrary to the accepted norm so I went along.   Sounds familiar?  If you questioned something in your profession and spoke up you could run afoul of your “regulators”.  As being hauled in front of a discipline committee.

On the other hand, life experiences altered my views on health  and the concept of money.

So what opened my eyes to the world?  The availability of information 24/7 on the Internet.  Almost unlimited but one needed to filter what one saw.  Other than an experimental Open Net primitive dial-up  in the early 90’s in our rural township (mostly Old Order Mennonites who never would have used it) , I did not have access to non-dial-up internet until I moved to Vermont.   The telephone Party line was a thing in our township  still.  We didn’t have one but neighbours did.  The internet would not work for Dial-up.   The project flopped.

An awakening:   I was amazed at the info that one could access and lightning fast and I now had the time.  Instantly, 911 theories were presented to me for the first time years after the event.  Never thought of that event other than what I was told as I had no alternate  information or time to think about it.  Never saw the videos of 911 until that time.  Building 7?  Went to a dinner party where Bob Hagar, of NBC,  news  attended.   (He covered 911 that day for the network).  I had the audacity to question the official 911 story and I was no longer invited to that social circle.  What did it?  Building 7!   Another Network producer who I used to hike with told me not to question the narrative or you will become a pariah.  At least he was nice about it.

I was living in the sphere of Dartmouth College and came to believe that it was a recruitment centre for the CIA and the Deep State due to all the retired folk I met over the years.  Am I correct?  A friend who directed me to Fully’s site was the first to tell  me that.  She has lived and experienced these people for 40 years.

I have only been awake 20 years.  I’ve read various histories that clearly showed that the narrative is written by the victors.  I had heard that before but had no time to explore.   He who wins  controls the narrative.

From my uneducated past, it became possible to understand how people see the present day captured Democrats  and Biden in a favourable light.  Covid and other scams.  To think, I may have been one of those if I continued on my day to day busy life.

Question everything.