
Good morning and Happy Fathers’ Day, As a father (who just spent 12 hours on delayed planes yesterday), I’m just popping in with a few quick comments about fatherhood, to wish all our dads the very best day ever.


“Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” Exodus 20:12.

On Father’s Day, 2020, the Deseret News published an op-ed from its entire editorial board headlined, “In our opinion: The world must reenthrone the vital role of fathers.” It is telling they felt it necessary to include the trigger warning “In our opinion” on what was already clearly labeled an opinion piece and lodged firmly in the op-ed section.

In breaking news from the 1980’s, Deseret’s editors confessed the long-recognized truth that for decades, the American media has been at war against fathers:

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It’s equally suggestive that, in its leading sentence above, Deseret first blamed “the world” for the war against fathers, but then in its immediately following sentence, identified the war’s shock troops: media. Of course, media is an agglomeration of actors and not any singular villain.

But who, or what, had the juice to corral media onto the same page and pin them there, for over forty years now? Was the media’s war on fathers merely a reflection of an ailing culture, the symptom of an anti-establishment, anti-authoritarian zeitgeist? Or was it something more? Something coordinated, with covert rhetorical maps and secret narrative battle plans?

The law was quickly recruited to the media’s anti-father battle. The government created a new category, a lonely, historical first without any matching marital companion: the “deadbeat dad.” Legal rules and civil punishments tied fathers down tighter than a thousand tiny Lilliputians tying down Gulliver.

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Apart from media and the government, this untrammeled trend was taken up by second-wave feminists, who compared dads with some confusing analogy to fish and bicycles. But regular folks never agreed. We all have fathers. None of them were perfect, but nearly all of them were beloved. Defying the zeitgeist, even traditional experts have agreed on father’s inherent value, to the point of incontrovertibility, as Deseret properly pointed out:

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The predictable result of the media’s unceasing aggression and the law’s Lilliputian anchor lines was that men and boys became discouraged and started opting out of men’s most rewarding and joyful undertaking of all. In 2022, one month after that year’s Father’s Day, the Journal of Marriage and Family published this alarming study:

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While the researchers offered no explanations for the ‘baffling’ trend, the study’s conclusions were stark:

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Young men have noticed society’s antipathy toward fatherhood and are reacting rationally. If anything, the trend is accelerating. Six months ago, in December, ran this troubling headline:

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Social media favored by young men is packed with lengthy essays detailing all the perceived risks of fatherhood — divorce, alimony, child support, ostracism, and jail. In other words, boys are being discouraged to avoid becoming dads in the first place.

Two trends from around the same time the war on fathers began offer potential explanations. First of all, in the late 60’s, the United States government became increasingly fascinated with its latest made-up crisis, overpopulation. In 1968, Stanford professor Paul Erlich published one of the most evil and destructive books ever written, The Population Bomb. Erlich’s deplorable, pseudo-scientific tome hysterically warned of mass starvation in the 1970s and 1980s due to overpopulation. The professor argued forcefully for coercive measures to mitigate the ‘emergency’ and save humanity by ending it.

Erlich’s book became an instant bestseller, especially among champagne-swilling elites. Not coincidentally, five years later in 1973, Roe v. Wade launched the abortion industry in this country.

This instant obsession with the ‘crisis’ of overpopulation preoccupied officials of that time. It was all they could think about. One illustrative example of the credulous acceptance of Erlich’s demonic premise appeared in the scholarly 1971 article published in the Hastings Law Journal, titled “The Population Explosion and United States Law.” As though it were conventional wisdom, the article’s author referred to the newly-minted population problem as singularly unique and threatening:

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Nothing is unethical or out of bounds to solve an existential problem of this “magnitude.” The author chillingly pondered about what “government powers” could be marshaled to stop humans, and fretted about limits. This was not in any way controversial; it was the spirit of the day.

Thus the U.S. evangalized its domestic anti-natalist, anti-family theology to the rest of the world, decorated with carrots and sticks. In 1966, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson conditioned foreign aid on countries adopting population controls. In 1969, President Richard Nixon established an Office of Population within the deep state-connected USAID, and bathed it in an unprecedented (for that time) $50 million annual budget, an amount that has only swelled, year after anti-human year.

In 1977, the head of Nixon’s Office of Population, Dr. Reimert Ravenholt, announced his devilish hope to sterilize a quarter of the world’s women.

The Population Office quickly started scoring successes. In 1975, India’s Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a population emergency (1975–77), suspending civil liberties, and mandating 11 million sterilizations. China’s notorious one?child policy (1979–2015) resulted in mandates for over 300 million Chinese women to implant irremovable IUDs, over 100 million sterilizations, over 300 million abortions (many coerced), and constant, unavoidable, deafening propaganda.

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In 1983, the United Nations bestowed its very first — and ironically named — Population Award, to Indira Gandhi for her coercive population controls and to Qian Xinzhong, the communist official directing China’s demographically disastrous one?child policy.

That was bad enough. But the second trend obvious in hindsight was the de-Christianization of America. Around the same time the war on fathers joined the battle, and the United States government became peculiarly preoccupied with population control, atheism and de-Christianization as official policy erupted like monkeypox sores onto the world’s stage.

It is difficult to avoid drawing a direct line between the war on fathers and Christians’ fundamental prayer, the Our Father, which refers to the ultimate, paradigmatic father figure, God himself. During the same decades in which fathers were mocked, relegated to clown status, and discouraged from procreating — from becoming fathers — the perverse, unconstitutional notion of “separation of church and state” metastasized into its own aggressive war, a war to root out and destroy The Patriarchy, everywhere it appeared, in all its historical forms and venues.

God is The Father. He is the Great Patriarch. In other words, the headwaters of toxic masculinity. The War on Fathers and the War on God are twins, manifestations of the same crypto-war on overpopulation. Most distressingly to elite anti-natalists, silly Christians believed in God’s command to “be fruitful and multiply.” That fundamentally Christian command was the precise opposite of Professor Erlich’s popular policy proposal.

Over the intervening decades, anti-Father policies were leavened into official government policy in a thousand thousand places.

That these historically unprecedented trends traveled together is inarguable. The War on Fathers (and against the Father) is part and parcel with the government’s insane, definitionally self-destructive war on overpopulation.

So, today, on Father’s Day, 2024, it seems appropriate to declare the counter-revolution against fathers. Today, we utterly reject the bankrupt idea that suppressing fatherhood provides any benefit to anyone. Today we celebrate our fathers, without whom civilization would not exist in the first place. Thank you, fathers! Thank you for being you. And thank you to all the heroic women who support them, and who encourage our men to grasp fully, if imperfectly, the mantle that our Father who art in Heaven created for us.

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We fathers shall not be overcome. We will prevail. We will quash the poisonous, misanthropic, anti-human ideals, long festering in the marble corridors of international power, and restore Fatherhood to its rightful throne. Are you with me?