Statistically significant lower risk is seen for mortality, ventilation, ICU admission, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. All remain significant for higher quality studies. 63 studies from 57 independent teams in 26 different countries show significant improvements.

Over 20 countries adopted ivermectin for COVID-19. The evidence base is much larger and has much lower conflict of interest than typically used to approve drugs.

All data to reproduce this paper and sources are in the appendix. Multiple other meta analyses show efficacy


Rebuttal Analysis of Cochrane Review on Ivermectin — Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID-19 — Jun 2022

Highly biased meta analysis. Authors originally wrote a highly biased meta analysis that avoided statistical significance on individual outcomes with extreme exclusions1, although efficacy was still seen when looking across all outcomes. Authors modified the protocol published a short time before, thereby performing a retrospective analysis, clearly designed to produce a desired outcome.

Authors indicated they would update the analysis but did not for a very long time. Authors would have been unable to maintain the lack of statistical significance with the protocol. In this new meta analysis, authors invented a new method to exclude most studies, thereby producing another retrospective analysis, again clearly designed to produce the desired outcome.

Authors included only 14 of 60 studies in the original analysis. For the update, they include even fewer studies, 11 of 87. A key method used was excluding studies without confirmation of prospective registration, however authors violate this to include the Together Trial2, which accounts for 40% of the patients in the extreme subset selected.


The Publication of Fraudulent Ivermectin Meta-Analyses and Editorials by the High-Impact Medical Journals: Part 2 – Dr. Pierre Kory

While censoring positive studies of ivermectin, the journals published fraudulent studies to try to “prove” ivermectin was ineffective. It is a well-known Disinformation tactic called “The Fake.”